Building More than Structures: J. Campoli & Sons at the upcoming Building Connections Networking Event

Building More than Structures: J. Campoli & Sons at the upcoming Building Connections Networking Event

At J. Campoli & Sons, we understand that the foundations of great construction are not just made of concrete and steel, but also of the strong bonds we build within our community and industry. We are excited to announce our participation in the 2024 Building Connections Networking Reception, hosted by the Northern New Jersey Council of the Boy Scouts of America.

Strong Principles

As a company that strongly believes in the principles of teamwork and adaptability, we resonate deeply with the values instilled by the Boy Scouts of America. J. Campoli & Sons’ Ross Campoli, an Eagle Scout, attributes much of his success as a construction company operator to the lessons learned during his years as a Patrol Leader.
"Being part of the Boy Scouts taught me invaluable skills at a young age – skills that have been pivotal in steering J. Campoli & Sons toward success," shares Ross. "Managing a team, strategizing on the fly, and adapting to ever-changing job sites are part of our daily operations, and the principles taught in Scouting formed and shaped my abilities at a young age."
Brad Campoli, also an operator of J. Campoli & Sons, is an Eagle Scout as well, and couldn't be more proud to participate in an event that overlaps two important cornerstones of his life - Scouting and construction.

Looking to the Future

The Building Connections event is not only a great networking opportunity; it's a chance to blend the legacy of the Boy Scouts with the future of the construction industry in Northern New Jersey. We'll be at the event to enjoy a panel of industry experts, and look forward to discussing our insights on why New Jersey is a land of both challenges and unparalleled potential for real estate and construction.
Our team is looking forward to connecting with professionals across architecture, construction, engineering, and real estate to forge new relationships and reinforce existing ones. This event is also a testament to our commitment to workforce development and our support for community programs like the Boy Scouts that are instrumental in nurturing the next generation of leaders.

Come See!

If you are in the construction, real estate, architecture, or engineering industries, join us on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at the Ironside Newark, to share ideas, explore opportunities, and celebrate the synergy between two worlds that build—Scouting and construction. Let's lay the groundwork for a future where every young individual can find the mentorship and the opportunities to construct their path to success.
To learn more about the event, or to register, please visit the Northern New Jersey Council's event page. We hope to see you there, where together we are building more than just structures—we are building a stronger future for our community.
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